DAB HRP Chromogen (Brown)

DAB HRP Chromogen (Brown)

Catalog NO: SCI020104
Size: 6 mL; 12 mL; 50 mL; 100 mL
Introduction:DAB HRP Chromogen (Brown) Substrate-Chromogen is suitable for use in HRP Detection systems and allow for the demonstration of tissue antigens or nucleic acids in paraffin-embedded tissues, cryostat sections, cytosmears, and cell preparations. The substrate chromogen is the final step in the detection portion; it enables the antibody antigen complex or nucleic acid-probe complex to be viewed under the light microscope. This occurs because DAB acts as an electron donor in the presence of the enzyme horseradish peroxidase; DAB gets oxidized and produces a brown color at the site of the target antigen or nucleic acid.
Category:For HRP Detection Systems
Presentation:DAB (3’3’diaminobenzidine) is a chromogen (color forming molecule) that develops into a brown precipitate. DAB forms a permanent record of the results of the stain when coverslipped with an organic based resin.
Storage:Store in a tightly closed original container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Refer to the product label. Store at 20-25 °C.
Intended Use:For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.
Application:Immunohistochemistry (IHC) reagent for detection/ancillary reagent. Not intended for use in humans or animals.

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