Multi-Organ Normal Tissue Microarray, 72 Cases, 60 Cores
Catalog NOMOCT050
Available Array TypeUnstained/H&E
Description:A tissue microarray consisting of normal tissue from multiple human organs, with the majority of the tissues obtained from autopsy. The organs highlighted were obtained from surgical resection. There are 24 types of human organs represented, with a total of 72 cores. Each organ type is taken from 3 different individuals, and there is a single core per block.
Core Type:Normal tissue
Row Number:8
Column Number:9
Core Diameter (mm):1.5
Thickness (µm):5
Tissue Array Type:FFPE
Pre-use Instructions:To ensure tissue integrity during antigen retrieval, it is necessary to bake unbaked slides for 30 to 120 minutes at 60°C before deparaffinizing in xylene.
Note:Please store the slides at 4°C after receiving.
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