Multiple Tumor-Normal Tissue Microarray for IHC and ISH, 24 Cases, 12 Cores
Catalog NOMOCT104
Available Array TypeUnstained/H&E
Description:A collection of tissue microarrays has been created, including core samples from seven different normal organs (cerebrum, breast, colon, liver, lung, prostate, tonsil) and five major types of cancer. Each case has duplicate cores for analysis.
Core Type:Malignant tumor, Malignant tumor (stage IB), Malignant tumor (stage II), Malignant tumor (stage IIA), Malignant tumor (stage IIB), Malignant tumor (stage IV), NAT, Normal tissue
Row Number:4
Column Number:6
Core Diameter (mm):1.5
Thickness (µm):5
Tissue Array Type:FFPE
Applications:IHC, ISH and other routine histology procedures
Pre-use Instructions:To ensure tissue integrity during antigen retrieval, it is necessary to bake unbaked slides for 30 to 120 minutes at 60°C before deparaffinizing in xylene.
Note:Please store the slides at 4°C after receiving.
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