Stem Cell Mitosis Imaging Services
Stem cells can produce various specialized cells through mitosis and differentiation, which are of great significance for regenerative medicine, pathological analysis, and cancer grading and diagnosis. However, accurate monitoring of cell mitotic activity is challenging due to the spatial dispersion of cells and the spatiotemporal stochasticity of mitotic activity. Therefore, high-resolution imaging technology has become an important tool for studying stem cell mitosis.
Fig. 1 Live cell imaging before mitosis into NEBD (Liang H., et al. 2021).
Services Overview
Using high-resolution live cell imaging technology, CD BioSciences can overcome the limitations caused by spatial dispersion of cells and randomness of mitosis, enabling accurate and detailed monitoring of the stem cell division process.
Stem Cell Mitosis Imaging Services Content
CD BioSciences offers high-resolution live cell imaging services that allow for the examination of the stem cell cycle at the single-cell level. Our advanced imaging equipment eliminates the need for expensive fluorescent antibodies and complex processing protocols, providing detailed information about the cell cycle.
Visualization of stem cell mitosis stages
CD BioSciences can use high-resolution live-cell imaging to visualize different stages of stem cell mitosis, including:
- Prophase (A)
- Prometaphase (B)
- Metaphase (C)
- Anaphase (D)
- Telophase (E)
- Cytokinesis (F)
Provides information about the stem cell cycle and allows precise observation of each stage of mitosis.
Detailed information about key stem cell mitotic events
Our stem cell mitosis imaging service can capture events such as:
- Prophase
Captures the process of chromatin condensing into chromosomes.
- Metaphase
Record the arrangement of chromosomes along the mid-phase plate.
- Telophase
Observe the division and reorganization of the nuclear membrane.
Characterization and analysis of stem cell function
- Accurate identification of the mitotic stage that the stem cell is in.
- Insight into the mechanisms of DNA damage and repair in stem cells.
- Valuable data on the process of stem cell regeneration.
Stem Cell Mitosis Imaging Workflow

Culture stem cells under appropriate culture conditions.
Step 1
Set the imaging parameters according to the purpose of the experiment.
Step 2
Continuous imaging of stem cells to record mitotic processes.
Step 3
Use suitable software and analysis tools to process the images.
Step 4Our Advantages
- Enable observation of live cells without destroying the sample and using expensive fluorescent antibodies, enabling stem cells to maintain their ability to self-renew and differentiate.
- Allow observation of the details of stem cell mitosis and changes, capturing high-detail images of cells.
- Allow access to three-dimensional structures of stem cells in mitosis and enables continuous observation of the process of stem cell mitosis.
CD BioSciences has a professional team and advanced imaging equipment to provide customers with accurate and reliable stem cell mitosis high-resolution imaging. Help clients deeply understand the mitotic process and cell cycle of stem cells. If you have any needs, please feel free to contact us.
- Liang H., Esposito A., De S. et al. Homeostatic control of polo-like kinase-1 engenders non-genetic heterogeneity in G2 checkpoint fidelity and timing. Nat Commun 5, 2014, 4048.
*If your organization requires the signing of a confidentiality agreement, please contact us by email.
Please note: Our services can only be used for research purposes. Do not use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures!